

Fiscal Investment Institution ('FBI')
Depositary: IQ-EQ Depositary B.V.
Manager: De Grote Voskuil Capital B.V.
Custodian: CACEIS
Fund Administrator: IQ-EQ Financial Services B.V.
ISIN-code NL0006327413

Supervisory Board

dr. P.M.L. Frentrop (chair)
E. van der Maarel Msc.


Monthly entry / exit
Monthly calculation of net asset value
Monthly message to participants
Annual report


Minimum participation € 100.000,-
Register online via this site, or by means of the form available from the administrator.
Deposit on account depositary:
Stichting Bewaarder Hoofbosch Beleggingsfonds
ABN-AMRO: NL43 ABNA 046 497 9277 - BIC: ABNANL2A
No registration fee

AFM License

The Fund Manager has a license for the fund as referred to in Section 2:65 (1) (a) of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wft). The fund and the fund manager are therefore supervised by the AFM (Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets) and De Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch National Bank).

Remuneration policy fund manager

Board members
The members of the management board are also the shareholders of the manager, each through a holding company. They do not receive a salary from the manager. The manager pays a fixed management fee to their holding companies for their work (as a board member) on behalf of the manager. The members of the management board are not entitled to variable remuneration. If the results of the manager allow it, dividends are paid. In addition, the minimum capital requirements by the Wft must be observed.

Staff members
One employee can influence the risk profile of the fund and receives variable remuneration. Other employees receive no variable remuneration in addition to a fixed salary.

Supervisory Board

The task of the supervisory board is to oversee the policy of the management board and the general course of affairs concerning the manager and the connected enterprise, and to advise the management board. The supervisory board consists of two renowned financial experts. Chairman is Dr. Paul Frentrop, former professor of Corporate Governance & Capital Markets at Nyenrode Business University. He is also a board member of the Dutch Governance Society and the author of several books, including "Voor Rede Vatbaar" (2019), "De geschiedenis van Corporate Governance" (2013), and "Tegen het Idealisme" (2007), the biography of Pierre Vinken (former CEO of Reed Elsevier). Member is Mr. Eric van der Maarel Msc., Managing Director and CEO at APG Asset Management in Asia, the 4th largest pension investor in the world. He was previously a member of the Global Management Board of Aegon Asset Management and CEO of Aegon Investment Management B.V. He has been working in professional asset management for 33 years, almost 25 of which were spent at Robeco, where he led various investment and commercial teams. Mr. Van der Maarel is not only an investment expert but also a Japan expert, having worked abroad for a considerable time, gaining deep experience with supervisory regimes in Europe, Asia, and the United States.

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